
Towers of Hanoi Solutions

Java Source Code and Related Exercises

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// by John Spurgeon

// Contents
//   Introduction
//   Variations on a Theme
//   0. Names and Descriptions
//   1. The Main Method
//   2. Solution Algorithms
//   3. Utility Functions
//   4. Move Data Types
//   5. Moves Data Types
//   6. Iterator Data Types
//   7. List Data Type
//   Further Reading

 * Introduction

// The Towers of Hanoi is a puzzle consisting of disks of various
// sizes that are stacked on pegs such that a smaller disk does not
// appear above a larger one. The challenge is to move disks from
// an initial state to a final state while obeying certain rules.
// Disks must always be transferred from one peg to another peg,
// and a larger disk can never be placed on top of a smaller one.
// According to the English Wikipedia's "Tower of Hanoi" article 
// (retrieved on 3 January 2018),
//     There is a story about an Indian temple in Kashi Vishwanath
//     which contains a large room with three time-worn posts in it,
//     surrounded by 64 golden disks. Brahmin priests, acting out the
//     command of an ancient prophecy, have been moving these disks
//     in accordance with the immutable rules of Brahma since that
//     time. The puzzle is therefore also known as the Tower of
//     Brahma puzzle. According to the legend, when the last move of
//     the puzzle is completed, the world will end.
// The article goes on to say that it is not clear whether Édouard
// Lucas, the French mathematician who invented the puzzle in 1883,
// invented this legend or was inspired by it.

 * Variations on a Theme

// 1. From Here to Anywhere
// In variation 1, a disk on top of a stack may be moved from the
// peg it's on to any other peg as long as doing so does not entail
// placing a larger disk on top of a smaller one.
// 2. Pegs in a Row
// In variation 2, pegs are arranged in a line, and a disk can only
// be moved to a peg adjacent to the one it's on. In the three-peg
// version of this variation, if the pegs are labeled 0, 1, and 2,
// then peg 0 is adjacent to peg 1, and peg 1 is adjacent to peg 2;
// peg 0 is not adjacent to peg 2.

 * 0. Names and Descriptions

// Names and descriptions of frequently used variables.
// n      A non-negative integral number of disks.
// m      A non-negative integral number of moves, where a move
//        is defined by integers that identify the peg from which
//        and the peg to which the move is made.
// moves  A sequence of moves.
// f      An integer identifying a peg from which a move is made.
// t      An integer identifying a peg to which a move is made.
// d      The absolute value of the difference of two peg numbers.

 * 1. The Main Method

 * The TowersOfHanoi class is composed of a main method and several
 * other static methods with names like solution1a, solution1b,
 * solution2a, solution2b, etc. Each of these methods produces a
 * a solution to a variation of the Towers of Hanoi puzzle. The
 * main method works as follows.
 *   Step 1. Use the command-line arguments (i.e. the value of the
 *           main method's parameter, which is typically called args)
 *           to set the values of variables that identify the puzzle
 *           to be solved and the solution method to be used.
 *        a) If the number of arguments is greater than zero, then the
 *           first argument determines which solution method to use;
 *           otherwise, a default solution method is selected.
 *        b) If the number of arguments is greater than one, then the
 *           second argument determines the number of disks to move;
 *           otherwise, a default number of disks is selected.
 *        c) If the number of arguments is greater than two, then the
 *           third argument determines the peg from which the disks are
 *           to be moved; otherwise, a default peg number is selected.
 *        d) If the number of arguments is greater than three, then the
 *           fourth argument determines the peg to which the disks are
 *           to be moved; otherwise a default peg number is selected.
 *   Step 2. Use the selected solution method to obtain a solution to
 *           to the puzzle to be solved by calling the method, passing
 *           to the method the number of disks to move, the peg from
 *           which to move the disks, and the peg to which the disks
 *           are to be moved.
 *   Step 3. Print the solution (the value of a Moves object) that is
 *           returned by the selected solution method.
public class TowersOfHanoi
    public static Moves solution1a(int n, int f, int t)
        final Moves moves = new ListOfMoves();
        return Recursively.solve1(n, f, t, moves);
    public static Moves solution1b(int n, int f, int t)
        final int m = Get.numMoves1(n, f, t);
        final Moves moves = new ArrayOfMoves(m);
        return Recursively.solve1(n, f, t, moves);
    public static Moves solution1c(int n, int f, int t)
        final Moves moves = new ListOfMoves();
        return NonRecursively.solve1(n, f, t, moves);
    public static Moves solution1d(int n, int f, int t)
        final int m = Get.numMoves1(n, f, t);
        final Moves moves = new ArrayOfMoves(m);
        return NonRecursively.solve1(n, f, t, moves, m);
    public static Moves solution2a(int n, int f, int t)
        final Moves moves = new ListOfMoves();
        return Recursively.solve2(n, f, t, moves);
    public static Moves solution2b(int n, int f, int t)
        final int m = Get.numMoves2(n, f, t);
        final Moves moves = new ArrayOfMoves(m);
        return Recursively.solve2(n, f, t, moves);
    public static void main(String[] args)
        final int numArgs = args.length;
        final String whichSolution = numArgs > 0 ? args[0] : "1";
        final int
            n = numArgs > 1 ? Get.numDisks(args[1]) : 2,
            f = numArgs > 2 ? Get.pegNumber(args[2]) : 0,
            t = numArgs > 3 ? Get.pegNumber(args[3]) : 1;
        Moves moves;
        switch (whichSolution)
            case "1":
            case "1a": moves = solution1a(n, f, t); break;
            case "1b": moves = solution1b(n, f, t); break;
            case "1c": moves = solution1c(n, f, t); break;
            case "1d": moves = solution1d(n, f, t); break;
            case "2":
            case "2a": moves = solution2a(n, f, t); break;
            case "2b": moves = solution2b(n, f, t); break;
            default:   moves = new ArrayOfMoves(0);

 * 2. Solution Algorithms

 * The Recursively class is a collection of functions that recursively
 * solve variations of the Towers of Hanoi puzzle.
class Recursively
    public static Moves solve1(int n, int f, int t, Moves moves)
        if (Get.distance(f, t) > 0)
            if (n == 1)
                moves.append(new Move1(f, t));
            else if (n > 1)
                final int other = 3 - f - t;
                solve1(n - 1, f, other, moves);
                solve1(1, f, t, moves);
                solve1(n - 1, other, t, moves);
        return moves;
    public static Moves solve2(int n, int f, int t, Moves moves)
        final int other = 3 - f - t;
        final int d = Get.distance(f, t);

        if (d == 2)
            solve2(n, f, other, moves);
            solve2(n, other, t, moves);
        else if (d == 1)
            if (n == 1)
                moves.append(new Move2(f, t));
            else if (n > 1)
                solve2(n - 1, f, other, moves);
                solve2(1, f, t, moves);
                solve2(n - 1, other, t, moves);
        return moves;

 * The NonRecursively class is a collection of functions that solve a
 * variation of the Towers of Hanoi puzzle non-recursively.
class NonRecursively
    public static Moves solve1(int n, int f, int t, Moves moves)
        final int m = Get.numMoves1(n, f, t);
        return solve1(n, f, t, moves, m);
    public static Moves solve1(int n, int f, int t, Moves moves, int m)
        final Decoder mathemagician = new Decoder(n, f, t);
        for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++)
        return moves;
     * The Decoder class defines a data type. A Decoder object is
     * associated with a particular instance of a variation of the
     * Towers of Hanoi puzzle. A Decoder object has a method that
     * takes a move number as input and returns a Move1 object; a
     * solution to the puzzle associated with the Decoder object is
     * formed by the sequence of moves produced by calling the method
     * repeatedly, each time passing the next step number, beginning
     * with step 1 and repeating m times, where m is the minimum
     * number of moves required to solve the puzzle.
    private static class Decoder
        final int evenTick, origin;

        public Decoder(int n, int f, int t)
            int d = Get.distance(f, t);
            int magnitude = d == 0 ? 0 : 1;
            int sign = d == 1 ? 1 : -1;
            sign *= f > t ? 1 : -1;
            sign *= Get.isEven(n) ? 1 : -1;
            this.evenTick = sign * magnitude;
            this.origin = f;
        public Move1 toMove1(int moveNumber)
            int i, diskNumber = 0;
            for (i = moveNumber; Get.isEven(i); i = i >> 1)
            final int tickCount = i >> 1;
            final int tick = Get.isEven(diskNumber) ? evenTick : -evenTick;
            final int f = Get.pegNumber(origin + (tick * tickCount));
            final int t = Get.pegNumber(f + tick);
            return new Move1(f, t);

 * 3. Utility Functions

 * The Get class is a collection of assorted utility functions that are
 * used by various other methods.
class Get
    public static boolean isEven(int i)
        return (1 & i) == 0;
    public static int numDisks(String s)
        int n;
        try { n = Integer.parseInt(s); }
        catch (Exception e) { n = 0; }
        return n < 0 ? 0 : n;
    public static int pegNumber(String s)
        int i;
        try { i = Integer.parseInt(s); }
        catch (Exception e) { i = 0; }
        return pegNumber(i);
    public static int pegNumber(int i)
        return pegNumber(i, 3);
    public static int pegNumber(int i, int numPegs)
        return (i + numPegs) % numPegs;
    public static int distance(int f, int t)
        int diff = f - t;
        return diff < 0 ? -diff : diff;
    public static int numMoves1(int n, int f, int t)
        return (n < 1 || f == t) ? 0 : numMoves1(n);
    public static int numMoves2(int n, int f, int t)
        return numMoves2(n, distance(f, t));
    private static int numMoves1(int n)
        return (n == 1) ? 1 : 1 + (numMoves1(n - 1) * 2);
    private static int numMoves2(int n, int d)
        if (n < 1)  return 0;
        if (n == 1) return d;
        if (d == 1) return (numMoves2(n - 1, 1) * 3) + 1;
                    return d * numMoves2(n, 1);

 * 4. Move Data Types

abstract class Move
    private int f, t;

    public Move(int f, int t)
        set(f, t);
        if (f < 0 || t < 0) invalidate();
    public void invalidate()
        set(-1, -1);
    public void set(int f, int t)
        this.f = f;
        this.t = t;
    public String toString()
        return toJsonObject();
    public String toCsv()
        return f + "," + t;
    public String toJsonObject()
        return "{from:" + f + ",to:" + t + "}";

class Move1 extends Move
    public Move1(int f, int t)
        super(f, t);
        if (f > 2 || t > 2) invalidate();

class Move2 extends Move1
    public Move2(int f, int t)
        super(f, t);
        if (Get.distance(f, t) > 1) invalidate();

 * 5. Moves Data Types

abstract class Moves
    public abstract Iterator getIterator();
    public abstract Moves append(Move move);

    public String toCsv()
        String s = "";
        Iterator i = this.getIterator();
        if (!i.done())
            s = i.getNext().toString();
            while (!i.done())
                s += "," + i.getNext().toString();
        return s;
    public String toJsonArray()
        return "[" + toCsv() + "]";
    public String toJsonObject()
        return "{moves:" + toJsonArray() + "}";
    public String toString()
        return toJsonObject();

class ArrayOfMoves extends Moves
    private final int capacity;
    private int nextIndex = 0;
    private Move[] array;

    public ArrayOfMoves(int capacity)
        this.capacity = capacity;
        this.array = new Move[capacity];
    public ArrayOfMoves append(Move move)
        this.array[nextIndex++] = move;
        return this;
    public ArrayIterator getIterator()
        return new ArrayIterator(this.array);
    public int getCapacity()
        return capacity;

class ListOfMoves extends Moves
    private List list = new List();

    public ListOfMoves append(Move move)
        this.list.append(new List.Node(move));
        return this;
    public ListIterator getIterator()
        return new ListIterator(this.list);

 * 6. Iterator Data Types

interface Iterator
    public boolean done();
    public Object getNext();

class ArrayIterator implements Iterator
    private final Object[] array;
    private final int last;
    private int i = -1;

    public ArrayIterator(Object[] array)
        this.array = array;
        this.last = array.length - 1;
    public boolean done()
        return i >= last;
    public Object getNext()
        return array[++i];

class ListIterator implements Iterator
    private final List list;
    private List.Node current;

    public ListIterator(List list)
        this.list = list;
        this.current = new List.Node(null, list.head);
    public boolean done()
        return == null;
    public Object getNext()
        current =;
        return current.value;

 * 7. List Data Type

class List
    public Node head = null;
    public Node tail = null;
    public void append(Node node)
        if (tail == null)
            head = tail = node;
            tail = = node;

    public static class Node
        public final Object value;
        public Node next;

        public Node(Object value, Node next)
            this.value = value;
   = next;
        public Node(Object value)
            this(value, null);

 * Further Reading

// Computer Science: An Interdisciplinary Approach
// by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne
// Section 2.3 Recursion (Towers of Hanoi, p. 268)

// Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science
// by Graham, Knuth, and Patashnik
// Section 1.1. The Tower of Hanoi

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